Like flying for different airlines? Look no further! Our fleet exists of over 110 Airbus and Boeing MAX aircraft.
Changing destinations and hubs, across dozens of different airlines each of our AOCs operates for. Currently SmartLynx, Avion and Ascend Airways are added, with more to follow!
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About us
All of Avia Solutions Group operations in one place.
The VA launched as SmartLynx Virtual in September 2022, and as vAvion in June 2023 before combining in October 2024 to form VirtuAvia Solutions. Since the start of both airlines, we have welcomed hundreds of budding enthusiasts from across the globe.
So where’s next, Captain?
With flights to almost all continents, you won’t be spoiled with our destinations. What about a Punta Cana? Or a quick hop over the channel to Mallorca? The choice is yours!
CEO’s Welcome
Short message from Chris, the group’s CEO:
I’m Chris, and I’m the CEO of vEAG and each airline within. Along with the respective Operations Managers I ensure the smooth day to day running of each of the VAs in the group including processing PIREP reviews, managing and updating
routes and answering pilot support queries. I got into virtual aviation in the late 1990s, after starting out with the A320 simulator for the Amiga back in the day! When I’m not pretending to fly aeroplanes in the sim, I am a real
world ATC working in the UK and have been doing that for just over 20 years as a tower and radar controller and later as a manager.

Chris Dobison
Chief Executive Officer of vEAG Group